Mobile App brochure
Plantation Register¶
Upload photos, notes and voice notes
Map views
Customisable layers & map styles, e.g. fire ratings on a satellite base map.
- A wide range of enumeration types captured directly on your device.
- Determine enumeration feasibility through infield processing.
Infield Fuel Load Ratings¶
- Best practice guidelines based on description and rating of fuels.
- Access to historical data, e.g. previous fires and weed ratings.
Damage Assessments¶
Quantitative assessments of any damage classes and types that affect a stand’s tree growth or timber production.
Road Assessments¶
Accurate and ongoing road assessments supporting critical source data for road maintenance planning and tactical harvest planning.
Manage activity schedules, perform quality assurance, and authorise completed work.
Timber Recording¶
Capture and upload log data using various recording methods.
Download and view reports set up in Plantation Manager via our Reporting Tool.
- Freehand sketches
- Polygons and polylines
Pin location¶
Drop a pin or enter coordinates to flag any point of interest.
GPS tracking¶
Generate tracks and routes for map updates, then upload them to the GIS server for processing.